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London, UK

Spontaneous mobile phone photos that capture moments of "the extraordinary in the ordinary" from the artist's everyday life. These photos (both inversions and 'normal' photos) are drawn from encounters within nature and explore man's relationship to the natural world and a deeper dimension. Some of these can be seen on de Cadenet's Instagram feed below.




Excerpt from Meditation at the Oasis film (2015):


"When I'm out there taking photos of the desert rocks and encounters, it is a form of meditation. A connection to some form of higher power. Its an intense form of focus and concentration. Its about being completely in the moment, absorbed fully in the activity. In this state of mind one becomes a channel for an energy that is so much vaster than oneself. When I enter into a meditative state, I an also experience art on a different dimension. You get to experience things in the art that may not have been present when you first encountered it. It's as though you have accessed the hidden, secretive dimension of the artwork. A connection to what it was that inspired the artwork's creation."


Alexander de Cadenet 

Desert Flowers 1
Desert Flowers 8
Desert Flowers 9
Wrecking Yard 5
Wrecking Yard 8 (B&W version)
Moon Eye (2017)
The Snail

Artist Adventures


Explorer of a deeper dimension shining through art, nature, people and places.

"Beauty is an outer reflection of your innermost essence"


Eckhart Tolle


Poem (Krause) - New Mexico Desert Dawn
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